How to use wine yeast correctly. How to select, use and store wine yeast - instructions. How does wine yeast differ from others?

Wine yeast is used when the action of natural fungus alone is not enough to activate and maintain fermentation. As a rule, they are used quite rarely in the production of grape wines. The concentration of wild yeast cultures covering the grapes is optimal and ensures the full reaction.

At the same time, not all fruits contain them in sufficient quantities. It is when working with them that special wine yeast for homemade wine is added to the wort, without which fermentation simply cannot begin.

Fermentation process and characteristics of wine yeast

Making wine using traditional technology does not involve adding additional yeast, since there is already plenty of this fungus on the surface of the berries. Under its influence, the grape must begins to ferment intensively. Restricting the flow of air into the container leads to complete processing of sugar and the production of alcohol. If the seal of the container is broken and oxygen enters the wort, the sugar is completely oxidized and carbon dioxide is produced.

At the initial stages of fermentation, the reaction occurs most intensely, which is due to the presence of a large amount of fungus in the upper layers of the wort. Gradually it sinks to the bottom of the container, where it begins to process sugar into alcohol. This process is the norm and ensures the production of high-quality grape wine.

Homemade wine from most fruits is made using additional yeast. This feature is due to the absence of wild yeast cultures on their surface. This raises the question of which yeast is best to add. The answer to this is unequivocal and categorical.

Important! To produce wine, only special wine yeasts are used. No other varieties of fungal cultures, like Saf Levure or other baking analogues, can be used to make wine. They can only be used for making mash. The ingress of baker's yeast into wine will inevitably lead to spoilage of the drink.

Brands of wine yeast and their characteristics

Today there are a huge number of manufacturers and types of wine yeast. Each of them has its own characteristics and guarantees good wine. The most popular and accessible among them are:

  • Lalvin KV-1118;

Let's take a closer look at both brands.

Lalvin KV-1118

Wine yeast brand Lalvin KV-1118 is a pure, highly active yeast concentrate. It is used to make light red and white wines, as well as champagne. In addition, with its help you can easily restore the fermentation process. Thanks to its composition, Lalvin KV-1118 perfectly suppresses pathogenic microflora, ensuring normalization of the reaction. However, the question arises of how much yeast to add to the wort, the answer to which lies in the instructions for its use.

1. KV-labeled yeast produces the aroma of rosé, white and red grape wines.

2. Based on the type and purity of the raw material, as well as the conditions and duration of its fermentation, the dosage of yeast cultures is calculated. They must be placed in strict accordance with the instructions.

3. The yeast contains no foreign impurities, but only pure grape fungus. However, its humidity is only 5–6%.

4. Dry yeast cultures are diluted in water heated to 35–39 degrees Celsius. You should not deviate from such values, as this will inevitably affect the activity of the fungus.

5. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and left for 15–20 minutes to completely dissolve the yeast. After this time, the solution is mixed again and poured into the wort in a thin stream. This introduction scheme allows wine yeast to acclimatize and not lose its activity when added to cool wort.

6. Closed packaging of Lalvin KV-1118 is stored in a dark, dry place for up to 2–3 years. Once opened, it should be used within 6–7 months.

Lalvin EC wine yeast provides detailed flavor to red and white wines, as well as purity and clarity. They ferment quite well at low temperatures, producing minimal sediment. Thanks to their use, re-fermentation can be started quickly and easily.

Yeast cultures of this brand are recommended for the production of apple, cherry, viburnum and other wines. The EC mark in the product labeling means that the product is characterized by low foaming, perfectly clarifies the finished drink and compactly collects sediment from it. Instructions for using such a yeast culture are as follows.

1. Take 100 grams of dry yeast, which are diluted in 1.5–2 liters of water heated to 35–39 degrees Celsius. The solution is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

2. After the mixture reaches 34–35 degrees, another 100 grams of dry yeast is poured onto its surface. In this position, the solution settles for 20–25 minutes and is mixed again.

3. The resulting liquid is poured into the wort in a thin stream, and then mixed thoroughly.

4. Unopened yeast should be stored in a dry place for no more than 2-3 years, and when opened, the shelf life is only 6 months.

Remember, in most cases, adding additional yeast to the wort is not necessary. However, in a situation where this cannot be avoided, it is necessary to use exclusively specialized wine crops.

Wine yeast is a type of yeast used in winemaking; is a colony of bacteria Saccharomyces cerevisiae, capable of converting simple and complex sugars into alcohol.

Wine yeast can be found on the surface of almost all grape varieties. Today, wine yeast refers not only to the bacteria Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but also to a number of other bacteria used in winemaking; however, it is Saccharomyces cerevisiae that has the greatest resistance to its own waste (i.e. alcohol), and it is this species that lives in wine the longest, and is responsible for the souring of wine.

Today, the use of wine yeast is typical not only for home winemakers, but also for large industrialists, large wine producers, both New and Old Worlds. The use of wine yeast allows you to obtain predictable and constant results. Although some critics blame the widespread use of wine yeast as the reason for the uniform taste of many wines, today almost everyone uses yeast, and the use of natural yeasts has been reduced to a minimum.

Often a situation arises when wine fermentation suddenly stops. This happens because the colony of microorganisms in the wine has won, which can no longer exist at the current strength of the drink; however, the amount of sugar is still sufficient to continue life activity. It is in this case that wine yeast is often used to “ferment” the wort and increase its strength to an acceptable level.

How does wine yeast differ from others?

There are 4 main types of yeast - baker's, wine, beer and spirits. Bakeries are used for baking and for producing low-quality alcohol and moonshine. Brewer's yeast is used for beer, alcohol yeast is used to obtain pure alcohol distillate.

As you might guess, wine yeast is used to make grape must and to produce wine. In some cases, it can be used to produce fruit and berry moonshine, however, even in this case, it is preferable to use alcohol yeast. In general, to produce moonshine and other distillates, it is better to use alcoholic yeast, which we wrote about in more detail in the corresponding article.

Baker's yeast cannot be used for winemaking. Firstly, they greatly spoil the taste of wine, making it more like kvass; secondly, the wort foams very strongly; thirdly, such mash “plays” very poorly. Bread, or baker's, yeast dies very quickly from an increase in the alcohol content in the wort, so the wine stops playing almost immediately.

Microbiology of wine yeast

The common name of wine yeast, as mentioned above, is Saccharomyces ellipsoideus, or Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

There are several types of such yeast, already specific microorganisms, in particular, there are:

  • Saccharomyces chevalieri is the most commonly found yeast, most often the main one in the fermentation of red wine;
  • Saccharomyces oviformis is an alcohol-resistant bacteria that allows you to obtain alcohol strength of up to 17-18%;
  • Torulopsis stellata are round or oval microorganisms that are capable of organizing a ring or film on the surface of the wort.

There are many other strains of wine yeast, you can read about them in detail in another article.

How to choose and buy wine yeast?

The most common products on the domestic market are the products of JSC Yeast Plant.

The company produces products in packages of various weights, from 100 grams to 5 kilograms. Yeast is produced in Belarus. A 250 gram package is enough (according to the manufacturer) for 87 liters of mash (about four 21 liter bottles). According to consumer reviews, the strength of the wort can reach up to 20 degrees! With subsequent dilution with water, you can get more wine than there was in the mash. There are also reviews regarding the use of this wine yeast in moonshine brewing: with a wort strength of 20 degrees, the yield is around 2.5-2 liters of distillate per 10 liters of wort.

Another well-known manufacturer is LALVIN.

As in the previous case, everything is packed in bags of various capacities. The author of these terms has never personally used this brand, however, according to reviews, it turns out to be a very high-quality product. In some cases, judging by the reviews, additional feeding is required, however, if the technology is followed, LALVIN wine yeast shows a fairly high efficiency of alcohol formation. The product can begin to ferment at very low temperatures.

How to use wine yeast to make wine?

The process of using wine yeast is simple. Yeast is added to the prepared must (a mixture of grape pulp and a small amount of sweetened water) in accordance with the proportions indicated on the label. Fermentation begins and continues either until the sugar runs out or until the critical strength of the wort is reached.

If fermentation has stopped, it is necessary to determine whether the reason was low sugar levels or high alcohol levels. In the first case, it is enough to add sugar to continue distillation; in the second, it is worth adding water to reduce the strength of the drink and add yeast again. Of course, you should make sure that a temperature favorable for yeast development is maintained at 25-28 degrees. If the temperature is low, the yeast ferments slowly; if the temperature is high, about 29-30 degrees and above, then the yeast simply dies.

Use of wine yeast for other alcoholic beverages

Wine yeast can be used to produce not only wine, but also some other alcoholic beverages.

Moonshine with wine yeast

We have already said more than once that the most optimal choice of yeast for mash and moonshine is alcohol yeast. Wine yeast for moonshine is used quite rarely, since it ferments for quite a long time and does not give a very high yield of product. To prepare wine yeast, they are first diluted with sweetened warm water (to activate microorganisms), after which, after half an hour, they are poured into the finished mash. The mash should sit for about two weeks (long enough, I warned you!), after which it can be distilled.

Whiskey with wine yeast

Homemade preparation is also best done with alcohol yeast. We wrote in more detail about cooking at home here. In the recipe indicated in the link, it is enough to simply replace the yeast with wine yeast and be prepared for the fact that the wort will take much longer to reach a delicate strength for distillation.

Apple wine with wine yeast

First you need to take apple juice from 15 kilograms of apples (about 7-8 liters of juice will come out) and mix with 150 grams of wine yeast. It is also worth adding 5-6 kilograms of sugar (depending on the sweetness of the apples themselves), as well as 8 liters of warm water. The finished volume of about 15-16 liters of wort will just fit into a 21-liter bottle for purified drinking water and for coolers. The wort must be left for 10 days in a warm place away from children and sunlight, putting a water seal on the neck of the bottle. After this, apple wine made with wine yeast can be safely drained, filtered and, if necessary, pasteurized. After this, the wine is bottled and sent for storage.

How to make wine yeast at home?

You can make wine yeast yourself. Of course, in terms of quality they will be much inferior to industrial options, however, in the vast majority of cases this will be enough to obtain a small amount of homemade wine.

From berries

To prepare wine yeast, you will need to create a so-called wine starter. It is necessary to take grapes or raspberries, ripe, but not rotten, and, without washing them under running water, mix them with simple sugar and in warm water until it becomes a thick porridge. It is enough to take about 100 grams of berries, half a liter of water and two tablespoons of sugar. After 2-3 days, when the starter begins to sour and ferment, it can be used instead of purchased wine yeast. The use of such a starter can significantly reduce the fermentation period of wine. The starter itself must be added to the wort in a very small amount, literally half a glass. Using your own starter is very convenient when the volume of wine produced is quite large.

From raisins

As raw materials for creating a starter that will be used instead of wine yeast, you can use raspberries, strawberries, currants, cherries and cherries. However, the best substitute is raisins. It is better to collect berries for breeding yeast in dry and windless weather, preferably in the morning. There shouldn't be any rain before harvesting, so it's worth waiting out in wet weather. You should choose only those fruits that do not have visible mechanical damage, that are free from cobwebs, dirt, traces of mold and dust.

Old raisins, as well as raisins with traces of mold, cannot be used, as they will simply spoil the wort. It is enough to dip just one raisin into the sugar syrup, after which the ready-to-use starter instead of wine yeast will be ready in 2-4 days. Don't overdo it with sugar or your starter will be too sweet.

If you decide to use raisins, then in this case it is recommended to buy literally 20-50 grams of raisins in ten places, rather than just 200 grams in one place. This will allow you to avoid the unpleasant situation of buying either old raisins or raisins with dead yeast. In addition, raisins are often coated with pesticides and pasteurized to make them last longer. It is logical that this has a negative effect on the efficiency of subsequent cultivation of wine yeast.

From the sediment

If you already had wine grown with a cultured batch of yeast, then simply saving the sediment is enough. Wine sediment contains a large number of both dead and living microorganisms. Just pour the sediment into a plate, dry it in a warm place (never in the sun!), and put it in a plastic bag, so you will always have wine yeast on hand. Yeast is in suspended animation and can always wake up as soon as the temperature and sugar level are favorable. Remember. That at temperatures above 30 degrees the yeast begins to die, so you should not dry the wine lees on a radiator or in the sun.

Home and industrial winemaking is impossible without the fermentation process, because it is thanks to it that the wort turns into an aromatic and noble drink. And wine yeast is responsible for this important stage - microorganisms that process sugar into ethyl. The degree and taste of the future wine will depend on their variety and quality.


Wine yeast is a miniature mushroom whose natural habitat is the skin of a wide variety of fruits and berries. In the winemaking community, they are called “wild”, and allow you to obtain drinks with a different taste and aromatic bouquet. To prepare wine, laboratory analogs are also used, which are called “cultured”. Unlike their “wild relatives”, they are more stable and always give intense and prolonged fermentation. The disadvantage of using “cultured” yeast is that the taste of the drink is identical, regardless of the region of harvest.

The food source of wine yeast is sugar, which is converted into alcohol during its life. To start this process, a temperature of at least +15 degrees is required, as well as the absence of direct sunlight. After all the sugar has been processed, the microorganisms sink to the bottom as sediment. Interestingly, the alcohol released by microorganisms has a detrimental effect on them. That is why the strength of most wines does not exceed 15%.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a number of interesting facts about wine yeast:

  • They were first discovered and bred only at the end of the nineteenth century. This became possible thanks to the invention of the microscope.
  • Louis Pasteur made a significant contribution to the study and breeding of these fungi. He set to work after local winemakers came to him asking about the reason for turning wine into vinegar.
  • The Saccharomyces beticus species has the highest alcohol resistance, thanks to which they can be used to produce wines with a strength of 24%. It was first found in Spain, but then discovered in Armenia, Crimea, and Georgia.
  • In some wine-growing areas there are no natural fungi on the skins of the berries.
  • Their use makes it possible to obtain drinks with a rich, multifaceted taste, while artificial analogues provide an identical taste.
  • Due to the abundance of rain and spraying of berries with chemicals, the colonies of fungi on their peel are reduced. This causes worse fermentation or its absence.
  • Microorganisms contain a large number of biologically active substances.
  • During fermentation, fungi release esters, thanks to which the drink receives its inherent taste and aroma.

To obtain a drink with a unique flavor and aroma bouquet, winemakers prefer to combine “wild” and “cultivated” yeasts. This duet ensures a normal fermentation process and allows you to make alcohol stronger and more original.

Making wine yeast at home

You can prepare wine yeast yourself, and this process does not require special knowledge or skills. They can be made not only from grapes, but also from any other fruits, berries, as well as must and sediment. It is important to remember that baker's or alcoholic yeast are not suitable for creating a noble drink, as they will give it an unpleasant smell of mash.

We offer recipes for making homemade yeast from:

  • Fruit or berry peel, because it contains the largest number of these microorganisms. Most often, a high-quality strain can be obtained from grapes, currants, raspberries, plums, strawberries, and apples. Harvesting should be done in dry weather, preferably without precipitation for several days. You need to choose ripe fruits, but without rot, mold, blackening, or visible signs of pest or disease damage. After collection you need:

- Place 100 g of unwashed fruits in a clean jar and mash.

— Add 0.6 liters of warm water (22-35 degrees) and two tablespoons of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

— Cover the jar with a piece of gauze and move it to a warm place with a minimum of light for three days.

The starter is considered ready after the appearance of hissing, a specific sour smell, and the formation of foam. If after 4 days such a reaction did not occur, and mold appeared on the surface, it means that there were chemicals or diseases in the berries.

  • Raisins, because a large number of necessary strains are stored on its surface. To prepare the starter you need:

— Prepare a syrup from 0.1 kg g of sugar and 0.1 liters of water, and then dilute it with another 100 ml of cold water.

— Pour the raisins into a bottle, and then pour in warm forty-degree syrup, shake.

— Close the neck with gauze and move the container to a dark place with a temperature of +22-24 degrees. It will take about one week for the starter to mature, during which the liquid needs to be shaken several times a day.

— On the eighth day, the liquid is filtered and can be used for its intended purpose.

  • Fermenting wort - the technique is most often used in the case of using cultural yeast.

— Approximately 30-40 ml of the top part of the fermenting wort is taken into a 0.5-liter jar.

— Add one and a half tablespoons of refined sugar and 0.35 liters of bottled water. It is strictly prohibited to use tap water!

— Cover with a thin cloth and take it to a dark room with a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

— After four days, the liquid is filtered using gauze and can be used to make alcohol. It can be stored for no more than two weeks in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. From the remaining pulp you can try again to make a starter. To do this, they need to be filled with syrup again and the fermentation procedure is repeated.

  • Sediment - you can get dry wine yeast, the advantage of which is long-term storage.

— The maximum amount of liquid is removed from the sediment, and the remainder is spread in a thin layer on the plate.

- Dry at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees, otherwise the fungi will die.

— The dried mass is carefully removed from the surface and placed in a plastic bag. It can be stored in a dry, dark place for no more than two years.

To activate the yeast, you need to place the powder in a container with warm syrup, stir and place under a water seal for several days.

Properly made starter allows you to create an aromatic and rich wine with a unique taste. If you don’t want to spend time preparing it, then you can always purchase ready-made dry wine yeast, for example, the Lalvin brand. The company has developed several options designed to create light white and red wines, champagne, alcoholic drinks from cherries, raspberries and any other berries and fruits.

A wide selection of alcoholic products has not replaced independent production. Every year after the harvest, gardeners make wine and tinctures at home. The quality of the product depends on the berries, proportions and production methods. The choice of yeast plays an important role in the work. The component appeared thanks to a naturalist from the Netherlands, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, and the first description of the fermentation process was made by Louis Pasteur. A scientific breakthrough was achieved thanks to the invention of the microscope.

Wine yeast is the simplest particle of yeast fungus that lives on the peel of berries and fruits. As cells reproduce, they convert sugar into alcohol, a byproduct of yeast activity. The presence of fungus can be determined by its external appearance, the presence of a whitish coating on the surface of the fruit. True wine yeasts include the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Their feature is alcohol resistance and the property of suppressing other microorganisms during fermentation.

Industrial winemaking and homemade alcoholic beverage preparation procedures are impossible without the use of. The quality of the product is directly related to the type of fungi used.

What types of yeast are there?

Specialists in the field of yeast cultivation, oenologists, have developed a large number of varieties. The most popular ones include Lalvin KV-1118 and Lalvin EC-1118.

First group

Lalvin KV-1118 is a pure yeast concentrate. Suitable for restoring the fermentation process and as a basis for making light white and red wine, champagne. It is recommended to use this type of yeast if the following conditions are met:

  • low concentration;
  • temperature indicator from 10 to 35 degrees;
  • low fatty acid content.

When you add makeup to the wine composition at a temperature of up to 16 degrees, the process of producing essential oils will start. They will help achieve a pleasant aroma of the product.

  • the use of this type of yeast will give a rich grape aroma to red, sparkling, white and rose wine;
  • the required amount of yeast is determined depending on the duration and conditions of fermentation, and the quality of the raw materials. The classic norm is up to four g/dal;
  • the product contains no foreign additives;
  • humidity indicator - 6 percent;
  • the product is diluted with water at a temperature of 30–40 degrees. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until all lumps are eliminated. Leave the composition for up to twenty minutes. Before pouring into the wort, the composition is mixed again. You cannot abruptly combine two ingredients;
  • Yeast must be stored in a dry, dark place. Shelf life - no more than two years, open package is suitable for use for six months. Permissible storage temperature is up to fifteen degrees.

Second group

Winemakers use the Lalvin EC-1118 yeast variety to give the drink a refreshing taste, increase its purity and restart the fermentation process. The use of the product is permissible at low temperatures, and the sediment is concentrated in one place. The product is recommended for making wines from various fruits and berries: apples, viburnum, cherries. Instructions for using Lalvin EC-1118 yeast include the following points:

  • Combine five liters of water at a temperature of forty degrees and three hundred grams of yeast, stir until smooth, break up any lumps.
  • Bring the temperature of the composition to 35 degrees. Add another 250 grams of wine yeast. Let the mixture sit for 20 minutes and mix thoroughly. Combine the resulting liquid with the wort. The temperature difference between the two liquids should not exceed ten degrees.
  • Yeast should be stored at a temperature of no more than eight degrees, provided that the packaging is sealed.

Distinctive features of wine yeast from alcohol and bakery yeasts

The difference between the two types of yeast lies in the preparation and use of the products. The main task of wine yeast is to ferment grape marc and produce high-quality, aromatic wine. It is not advisable to use this type of product for preparing strong alcoholic drinks. In the absence of better material, fruit or berry moonshine is produced based on wine yeast.

Moonshine yeast is recommended for strong alcohol. This is due to their fast fermentation process. At a temperature of ethyl alcohol of 80 degrees, they die, unlike baker's yeast. The latter are rarely used in the production of alcohol. They degrade the quality of the drink. Bread yeast is unable to dissolve sugar in alcohol one hundred percent. Their use promotes excessive foaming, which negatively affects the quality of alcohol. But their use will be an ideal solution for creating flour products.

Benefits of wine yeast

The beneficial properties of the product are associated with its valuable composition. Bioculture is based on proteins. They make up more than 50% of wine yeast. The rest of the product consists of valuable biological substances, vitamins A, B and E. It is actively used to solve the following problems:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion;
  • correction of age-related skin changes, smoothing wrinkles and increasing overall skin tone;
  • eczema;
  • rash;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • cellulite treatment.

The product helps improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels, and is an effective means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.

In cosmetology, yeast is often used to solve aesthetic skin problems. They are used to make a special mixture for body wrapping. The procedure promotes comprehensive care for the condition of the skin, improves overall well-being and has a lifting effect. In addition to yeast, the mixture contains:

  • healing clay;
  • ground grape leaves and seeds.

To achieve the best result, beauty sessions are recommended to be performed at least once a week.

The product is often used as part of wellness and hydromassage baths, which help relieve nervous tension and muscle tone.

Harm of wine yeast and contraindications

To date, no negative effects from yeast have been confirmed. If you follow the rules and recommendations for use, the product is absolutely safe. You should refrain from using them in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to ingredients;
  • allergic reactions.

Use in alcohol production

Homemade wine lovers are well acquainted with wine yeast. With the help of this main ingredient, fermentation is carried out. There are usually several types of yeast on the skin of the berries; during the fermentation period they begin to work actively. As a result, only the strongest species remains, displacing the rest. Its task is to transform sugar into alcohol and provide the drink with a special aroma and aftertaste.

Instructions for use

To prepare a high-quality alcoholic drink, yeast must be used and selected correctly. Only following the instructions for use of the product will allow you to achieve rich color, deep taste and aromatic wine.

Among the types of wine, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet;
  • sparkling;
  • dry;
  • fortified;
  • with low alcohol content.

When choosing yeast, you need to focus on the type of drink. Correct selection is the key to a successful result. To start the reaction, it is necessary to combine yeast and production raw materials. It should last until the sugar is completely processed. A clue to the completion of fermentation is the cessation of gas formation and the appearance of sediment at the bottom of the container.

During the event, several rules must be observed:

  • maintaining a temperature of 15–20 degrees;
  • during the fermentation period, the container should be in a dark room; direct sunlight has a negative effect on fungal microorganisms;
  • compliance with dosage.

Yeast addition process

Cooking at home

If it is not possible to purchase special yeast in the store, you can prepare the product yourself at home. You can use berries or fruits as a base for sourdough. The best options for raw materials would be currants, grapes, raspberries, and strawberries. The ingredients will not only produce high-quality yeast, but will also give the drink a special aromatic bouquet. Before starting work, the berries should not be processed. The skin contains microorganisms necessary for the process.

From raisins

Raisins top the list of popular ingredients for creating wine starter. Before starting work, it should not be washed or doused with boiling water. In its unprocessed form, it contains the required amount of microorganisms. The process includes the following steps:

  • combine sugar with water in a 1:1 ratio;
  • bring the mixture to a boil, granulated sugar should completely dissolve;
  • add room temperature water to the mixture. The required volume corresponds to what was originally added;
  • add raisins: for 100 ml of liquid you need one handful of dried fruits;
  • cover the container with the mixture with gauze and transfer it to a dark room for a week;
  • filter the resulting composition;
  • the product is ready for use.

From grapes

The yeast preparation procedure includes several simple steps:

  • sterilize a 1 liter jar;
  • place raw materials;
  • thoroughly mash unwashed berries (100 grams);
  • add 500 ml of clean, soft water to the container;
  • add two full tablespoons of granulated sugar and mix the ingredients;
  • close the jar with gauze and transfer it to a dark room for four days;
  • the appearance of gas formation and foam is a sign of the progress of the necessary reaction in the leaven.

If you strictly follow the instructions for using wine yeast, you will get excellent alcohol.
