What dresses suit tall girls? Review of clothing brands for tall girls. Large and large accessories

Many girls strive to bring their body to perfection. They often believe that nature has literally awarded people with ideal figures, while everyone else has to work hard to be at least a little like their idols.

In fact, despite the fact that these girls really look pretty good, they are not always happy with what they have, and they have to try very hard to correctly place accents in their image. Also, do not forget that in fact, nature has provided each of us with an absolutely unique body; in order to achieve our ideal, female models also need to work a lot on themselves - nothing is given for nothing.

Thin, tall girls very often suffer from these parameters, because sometimes they think that they look too thin or too tall. They have to carefully select their outfits, since not every item fits well on such a figure.

However, there are several rules, adhering to which, girls with similar figures look just A plus. If you are facing similar problems, the following tips are for you.

Don’t be afraid to wear voluminous, layered styles; they will give your figure a nice shape, beautifully highlight your petite areas, but won’t make them look even thinner.

2. Softness

Especially in the summer, when your thinness is most visible, try to wear softer, airier fabrics. They will make you feel free and easy and at the same time will shape your figure very beautifully.

Avoid things that are too short or tight. They can emphasize your height and make it even more noticeable.

4. "Undercover"

In some places, thinness is especially noticeable on the body, and this is where accessories come to the rescue. Try to slightly cover those places where the bones especially stick out, for example, tie a scarf around your neck or wear a massive necklace. Just “don’t lock yourself up” in primness, maintain femininity and elegance in your image, we don’t need a complete “cover-up”.

This type of neckline is catastrophically unsuitable. Unfortunately, for thin girls, this neckline only creates unnecessary angularity and sloppiness in the image. On the contrary, try to select softer transitions that create a certain smoothing effect.

6. Kit

If I were you, I would still give more preference to the complexity of the image, that is, instead of a dress, I would once again wear a suit or just a beautiful blouse or sweater along with a skirt. If you do decide to wear a dress, try to choose ones that have as many horizontal elements as possible. Such styles will look more feminine and flattering on your figure.

Avoid items with vertical stripes. Usually such a drawing makes you look very thin, but you don’t need such a visual effect at all, right?

Horizontal stripes will suit you best. Usually fat people refuse them, but such a reception will only benefit you. Feel free to wear these things.

8. Folds and gathers

Don't go overboard with old-fashioned styles that are filled with various folds and gathers. Try to keep up with the times, besides, skirts that are too wide suit few people. You may look too sloppy. However, simply flared or pleated skirts will still suit you.

It is best, of course, to take a closer look at the various color schemes in clothing. When your clothes lack variety and only one color dominates, your figure does not appear in the best light. Try to make your choice towards multi-colored styles. Experiment, choose the pattern that will highlight your shape as best as possible.

10. Volume shoulders

Excessively voluminous shoulders do not emphasize your figure very favorably. Try to maintain harmony in the image, do not be afraid to sometimes show your miniature and slenderness.

Unfortunately, tall, skinny girls don’t often wear heels. Don't worry, shoes with small heels also look great, and at the same time you won't feel embarrassed about your height.

12. Shoes

Don't go overboard with the volume of your boots, otherwise they will make thin legs even thinner.
And, if the weather permits, wear high boots. They will look very beautiful on your slender legs, while allowing you to hide their excessive thinness under your skirt.

I really hope that with such a beautiful figure you will in no way succumb to the pressure of any fictitious complexes, however, if you still have a point about your thinness or height, these tips will help!

What do you think about this? Maybe you have something to add too?

High growth in our age of model standards can hardly be called a disadvantage. A tall girl will not get lost among the crowd. Besides, if you are tall, it is always easier to look slimmer. However, every coin has two sides. It can be difficult for tall women to find a tall partner next to whom they can feel like an inch. Very often, women taller than 175 cm have complexes about their height and try to hide it.

How to dress tall: simple techniques

Almost anything will look good on a slim, tall figure. After all, all fashion models are at least 175 cm tall and thin. The purpose of clothing is only to emphasize the beauty of such a body.

1. Divide the torso horizontally. You are absolutely lucky - you can wear a horizontal one, and this is not available to everyone. Everyone knows about the ability of horizontal stripes to make you look fat, but since you are not in danger of becoming fat, feel free to wear things in a sailor style.

This applies not only to the strip itself, but also to any parts that lead to a horizontal division of the body. For example, a dress or blouse consisting of several rows of flounces. Or wide belts.

2. Focus on femininity. Quite often, such figures look somewhat angular, boyish. Your task is to add . Wear skirts and dresses more often. Emphasize the smooth curves of your figure.

3. Shift your waist. In which direction depends on your proportions. If your upper body is too long, then high-waisted items will help you. If, on the contrary, most of the growth occurs in the legs, then wear low-rise trousers and skirts. This simple technique will help you balance your proportions and make you look shorter.

Avoid a straight silhouette - in such things you will look like spaghetti. The figure must be marked.

4. Don't wear skirts and dresses that are too short, especially in baby dollar style. They'll make you look like an overgrown Barbie. The optimal length is just above the knees. However, maxi suits you too. We advise you to pay attention to pleated skirt models, which will help you create more feminine volumes.

5. Avoid cropped blouses and tops. They create a feeling similar to short dresses - as if you are dressed up in clothes that are too small for you.

6.Many tall girls who are worried about their height refuse heels and wear ballet flats or moccasins. Such shoes make the figure too athletic and, again, boyish. Don't exclude feminine shoes from your wardrobe. Only choose shoes with low – 3-5 cm – heels. These centimeters are not important for your height, and your figure will look completely different - more feminine and graceful.

7. Say yes to large designs on clothes. Any large, eye-catching patterns will suit you - large polka dots, checkered patterns, flowers, and any other ornament. Such designs also tend to expand the body, which is exactly what you need.

Perhaps the only limitation is vertically oriented designs (not only lines, but also subtle patterns that have a vertical direction). They perform just the opposite function - they stretch the silhouette upward.

8.As for the colors, then you can afford any color scheme within its color type. You should avoid monochrome combinations of colors, as they create a single ensemble, due to which the figure is visually stretched. Let colorful clothes divide your silhouette horizontally.

9.You can afford large accessories- a bag of respectable size, a wide belt with some kind of expressive buckle, noticeable jewelry. The purpose of accessories is to distract attention, so they should be bright and conspicuous. Although this should not come at the expense of good taste.

But small jewelry - for example, drop earrings, tiny pendants, etc. - most likely they will get lost on you.

And one more important note. Very often, tall girls, instead of walking with their heads held high, begin to deliberately slouch. This will not reduce your growth. But it will ruin your posture, which can lead to serious problems in the future. A sunken chest and back like a wheel have never painted anyone before. Straighten your shoulders, lift your chin and look down on the world - you have something to be proud of!

We hope that it is now clear to you, how to dress properly for tall girls. All the fashion designers in the world work for you, so it’s quite difficult to make a mistake. The most important thing is not to worry about what cannot be changed and to be grateful to Nature for what she has endowed you with.

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In the modeling business, girls with a height of 175 cm and above are held in special esteem. However, in everyday life, many long-legged beauties have insane complexes about this. And as a result, they involuntarily slouch, prefer shoes with the lowest possible soles and completely refuse heels. Nevertheless, it is tall young ladies who have much more opportunities to present themselves to others advantageously than women.

History has many examples when height above 175 cm was considered a sign of belonging to the upper classes of society. And at all times, the long legs of beauties have turned the heads of countless men. But to look perfect, you should take care of the right sets of clothes that will highlight your natural appearance and make you graceful. So, let's see how to dress a tall girl.

What things go high?

If in everyday life you prefer trousers, then pay attention to low-rise jeans. Skinny models or boyfriends tucked at the bottom are simply created for slender beauties. Paired with long jumpers and loose blouses, they will highlight the attractive length of your legs. Don’t forget about denim, which today are a relevant element of the street look.

Trousers with arrows in a classic style, including models, also look stylish on tall young ladies. In tandem with fitted tops or tucked-in chiffon blouses, complemented by elegant double-breasted jackets, they look especially impressive. It is worth noting that even wide trousers of a “dangerous” length to the middle of the shin for all other women are very suitable for tall girls with long slender legs.

When choosing a dress, give preference to maxi and midi length models with flowing textures. These can be stylish with narrow straps, curvy models with a deep neckline or dresses with an open back.

Skirts can also help fashionistas with tall heights create feminine looks. Pleated models, classic versions and styles in the form of a bell, tulip, knee-length or slightly below it are ideal. Multilayer maxis paired with laconic T-shirts, tops, voluminous sweaters and cropped jackets also look good.

Many tall girls have a “rectangle” shape with an undefined waist. The most suitable for them are semi-fitted and straight styles of things. If we talk about style trends, then these are the models that ideally match bows and classic style.

straight cut dress for a tall girl with a rectangle figure

Tall fashionistas should not give up heels; they force you to keep your back straight and look more elegant than any shoe on the market. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to choose a model with a heel of 2-5 cm. An almost insignificant heel rise will also visually make the foot neater and smaller.

How should a tall girl dress to appear shorter?

In addition to styles, color also plays an important role in clothing. Things in light and rich shades visually add several centimeters to the total look. Therefore, tall and fashionable women should dilute a boring wardrobe with bright things. Dense fabrics with a pronounced texture can achieve a similar result.

Young ladies who want to appear shorter need to learn to visually divide the silhouette into parts. To do this, it is enough to select things that are contrasting in color and/or lightness. For dark trousers and skirts, choose a top in pastel colors, complement a plain dress with a bright, one-button jacket, etc. It looks especially impressive on tall girls in a multi-color design. But one image should not contain more than 3-4 colors.

Clothes for tall girls. Choosing the right style

Being tall has its obvious advantages. “Majestic”, “stately” - these are just a few of the epithets that apply to tall women. They stand out from the crowd, not to mention the fact that almost all supermodels are taller than average. However, tall people have their own problems, such as choosing perfectly fitting clothes. If you are familiar with this problem firsthand, do not despair! Oddly enough, many people do not even suspect that height can be visually corrected in the same way as other features of the figure. What do you need to know when going to a dress store?

A tall woman can afford a lot of good things. She can confidently wear wide belts, clothes with horizontal stripes and bright patterns; popular catwalk models will look good on her, since most of them are initially designed for tall people.

Elle Macpherson is not shy about her height (183 cm), but prefers to wear low-waisted clothes. With this she kills two birds with one stone - she focuses attention on the luxurious curves of her body and visually makes her figure more proportional

The main headache for tall women is normal length trousers. Models with legs longer than 82 centimeters (32 inches) are not found very often. If you encounter this problem, try looking in the men's department or a specialty store for tall people. When choosing trousers in a regular store, pay attention to models with cuffs, as well as trousers in which the edges of the legs are hemmed with a good margin. In this case, you have the opportunity to lengthen the legs by using a hemmed hem or an unfolded lapel. The same rule applies to the sleeves of tunics, jumpers and jackets.

Jeans should be bought 2-3 centimeters longer than other trousers. The fact is that denim is often thinner and stiffer than other trouser fabrics, in addition, it does not drape, so it will not be possible to gain in length due to the properties of the fabric.

The ideal skirt length for most tall women is knee length. If you're a fan of minis, wearing short skirts or shorts with tall sandals or boots will help achieve a balance between the covered and exposed areas of your legs.

Maria Sharapova (187 centimeters) feels equally at home in cropped pants with flat soles and high-heeled shoes.

Many fashion guides give advice to tall women on how to disguise their height. However, these tips often work in the opposite direction. Instead of futilely trying to hide your height, why not embrace it? If you choose clothes that flatter your figure and do not hide your assets (including your height), you will feel more confident and comfortable.

Show off your height.

If you are proud of your height and want to highlight your height, use the following tips:

  • Long dresses and sundresses look perfect on tall girls who are not embarrassed by their height.
  • Solid colors and patterns along the entire length will make you visually taller and slimmer.
  • Avoid large designs. If you prefer things with patterns, the pattern should be small and match the main color of the clothing.
  • Vertical stripes and darts will help you look even taller.
  • Long scarves and beads also visually elongate the figure. Let your hair down, wear high heels - all this will emphasize your height.
  • Tapered trousers will highlight your long legs.
  • Tall boots seem to be created specifically for tall, long-legged girls. Your height will make you look fantastic in them.

Geena Davis is 183 centimeters tall, which does not prevent her from wearing vertical striped clothes and high-heeled shoes.

Brooke Shields is proud of her impressive height (183 cm) and emphasizes it in every possible way with the help of clothes. High heels, dresses with oblique and longitudinal stripes, plain dresses - all these things make her not only taller, but also slimmer.

Masking tall height.

On the other hand, if you want to appear shorter, follow these tips:

  • Top and bottom of different colors will break your figure into two parts, thereby making your figure visually shorter. If you have, then the border separating the top and bottom of the clothing may run along the natural waistline. If you have a long and relatively long torso, choose high-waisted skirts or trousers. If, on the contrary, you have disproportionately long legs with a relatively short torso, then wear blouses and T-shirts untucked, and choose low-rise trousers.
  • Opt for cuffed trousers and capri pants. Cropped pants will make your legs look shorter.
  • What colors does your wardrobe consist of? Black and dark colors will visually add height to your appearance; to dispel this illusion, try to diversify the color scheme of your clothes.
  • Everyone knows that heeled shoes make you look taller. Therefore, your choice is flat shoes. Ballet flats, UGG boots, Roman sandals, flip flops - you can look fashionable without adding extra centimeters to your height.

If you have repeatedly noticed your superiority in height not only over women, but also over men, then it’s time to think about your image of a tall, spectacular woman. We invite girls over 180 cm and above to listen to several effective tips that will help to advantageously emphasize their height and figure.

Wear nice shoes

Spectacular shoes are the key to a successful image of a stylish and elegant woman. It is advisable to wear nice shoes in any situation. Sports and even ordinary home shoes can be beautiful and sophisticated. This way you can once again put emphasis on slender legs. And, since long legs on tall women always attract attention, cute new shoes will not go unnoticed.

Don't give up high heels

As a rule, tall women are afraid of stilettos, so as not to appear even taller. This is wrong, because high heels add a special charm to any outfit - be it a business suit or a chic evening dress. Heels significantly slim the figure, adding confidence and sex appeal to a woman. If a tall girl is overweight, heels will help visually hide a couple of kilograms.

Use voluminous accessories

Massive, voluminous accessories are a stylish element of a tall woman’s wardrobe. Don't be afraid to wear them with jeans and dresses. A wide belt will perfectly highlight your waist, and a voluminous bracelet on your hand will add special chic to your day or evening look. But don’t overdo it when choosing accessories – there shouldn’t be too many of them.

Show off your body

Naked areas of the body always add intrigue to a woman's image. But there is no need to expose yourself excessively. For example, if your outfit consists of jeans, then complement them with a top with an open back. If the upper part of the body is hidden from prying eyes, then you should wear a miniskirt or hem with a spectacular slit.

Bare your neck

Tall women usually have long, graceful necks. So why not demonstrate it? Make her stand out with a beautiful necklace, big earrings, a voluminous hairstyle, and an open neckline. Don't hide what's best about your figure.

Narrow with wide

Stylists recommend that tall women opt for clothes that are radically different in cut. Wide trousers look impressive with fitted, tight blouses and blazers, and skinny jeans with a voluminous top. The most important thing is not to overdo it with shapeless wardrobe items: use only one such detail in your look. A woman always has room for imagination, for playing with different accents.

Bright colors

Bright colorful elements of the wardrobe not only attract attention to a woman, but also tell about her positive mood, how confident and satisfied she is with herself. But this does not mean that the entire outfit should be full of all the colors of the rainbow. A stylish element to a black modest dress will be red heels, and a turquoise necklace to a brown jacket. If you can't diversify your outfit with shoes or clothes, add some color to it with accessories. In addition, tall women wear outfits with large, bright patterns.

Minimalist style

Minimalism is welcomed in modern fashion. It is typical for classic clothing, but is often practiced by fashion designers and stylists when creating a glamorous look. To look expensive and stylish, it is not at all necessary to decorate every finger on your hand with precious rings. One beautiful ring can tell a lot more about a woman than five accessories at once.

Don't forget the pants

The trousers look beautiful on tall girls and show off their slender, long legs wonderfully. That's why you shouldn't neglect this element of your wardrobe. Your closet should have at least (and preferably more) two pairs of trousers - one wide and one narrow - for example, skinny jeans.

Get a long skirt

For tall girls and women, any version of a maxi skirt will work, so feel free to wear it. You are even allowed to wear a fluffy top with a long skirt and choose a multi-tiered hem with flounces, which is not recommended for girls of short and medium height.

Get creative with your hairstyles

Almost all haircuts known to the fashion world are suitable for tall girls. You can wear both a short haircut and loose long hair. The most important thing is to find hairstyles that fit perfectly into the overall concept of the image.

Become a femme fatale

A tall woman should not be embarrassed by her height, hiding behind her competitors. This is the kind of girl who can afford everything, from bright makeup to flashy, revealing outfits. Show the world your sensuality and sex appeal, reveal the richness of your inner world with the help of clothes, accessories and perfumes. You are elegant and incredibly attractive, and let everyone around you know about it!
