Not only to diversify your wardrobe. How to diversify your wardrobe. Spice up your wardrobe with little things from inexpensive stores

We're not going to discourage you from wearing black. We ourselves are in love with this color and have nothing against such a wardrobe. However, at times there is a need to add brightness to the image. If you are familiar with this situation and are thinking about how to make your everyday looks more interesting, then check out our simple tips that will help you achieve the desired result.

Replace one black item with a dark blue one

Forget about the rule that people around you have been telling you for years. Black goes well with navy blue! This unusual combination of colors will add dimension to your look, and will also allow you not to leave your comfort zone. This is the easiest way to “color” your appearance. Pinterest

Complement black with white

Naturally, our opinions on whether white is a color or not may not coincide, but this is another simple way to dilute the black color in an image. To avoid looking like a waitress in black trousers and a white shirt, wear a black jacket or blazer over the shirt and unbutton a few buttons on the shirt. Shutterstock

Pay attention to neutral colors

Now that we've mastered white and blue, it's only natural to move on to classic neutrals. Instead of wearing a black top and black bottom, swap out one of the pieces for something in muted pink, gray or camel. This small transformation will give your look a new look without it looking too flashy. Shutterstock

Wear bright outerwear

Although this type of outerwear cannot be called sophisticated and delicate, the resonance that it creates against a black background produces just such an effect. Plus, you will look fresh and uncluttered. Shutterstock

Wear brightly colored shoes

You probably have some shoes that you absolutely love, but which are so extravagant that you still haven’t decided to wear them. In this case, your love for black will be very useful to you. A monochrome look in black will be the best basis for such shoes.

Or choose a flashy bag

The same principle applies to an unusual bag that will attract all attention to itself.

Create a monochrome look in a different color

Now you will probably reproach us for not agreeing on such fundamental changes. Listen: a monochrome look is stylish and not at all difficult to execute. This is one of the reasons why you love black so much, isn’t it? However, all this is also true for other colors. For a spontaneous look, tuck a colored blouse into trousers of the same color and you have a completely new way to style yourself.

If every morning you feel like you have absolutely nothing to wear, then most likely you just haven’t chosen the foundation of your wardrobe quite right. Most girls complain that they always have to wear the same thing. At the same time, some of them have a closet full of clothes that simply have nothing to match.

The first thing every girl who wants to dress stylishly and create many different looks from a not very extensive wardrobe needs to do is choose the right set of basic things. They will become the background on the “canvas” where you will “draw” your images using various additional elements. So, the first necessary skill that you should have is the ability to correctly select things for a basic wardrobe. The second important skill that you will have to learn is the ability to complete any image with the help of additional details.

Basic wardrobe. About what yours should be, and you, undoubtedly, are aware that the basis of any image is universal things, the most neutral mood, which can become the foundation of any stylish look.

The approximate base of any women's wardrobe looks like this: shirt, jeans, T-shirt, trousers, a universal black dress, turtleneck, skirt, classic shoes, comfortable low-top shoes, outerwear: coat, jacket, etc., depending on the taste of the owner.

Additional elements. We can create a good look from jeans and a black turtleneck, for example. For footwear we will choose classic shoes. In principle, we can leave the house in this form. But in order for the image to be stylish and interesting, we need to complement it with something that will create a certain mood.

Color. Any clothes, jewelry and accessories in bright colors are ideal for completely transforming an everyday look consisting of things in soothing colors. For example, to jeans and a turtleneck, you can add a bright cardigan, jacket, handbag, scarf and any other detail that can add a fresh color note to your look.

Accessories and decorations. The same outfit will look completely different if you add a colored narrow and long scarf to it, or a large wide gray scarf. In the fall, it’s especially nice to experiment with scarves because they not only complement your look, but also keep you warm in cool weather.

Brooches, bracelets, pendants, beads, rings and earrings - this is what you should not forget about when the look is already completed. For example, an office dress or jacket without a brooch and with a brooch look like two completely different things!

A belt or belt can shape your silhouette, highlight your waist, and again completely transform your look.

Hats. If you think that hats don’t suit you, then you simply didn’t find “the right style” or tried on things in the wrong size. Look for your own version and wear it not only as a means of protection from the cold, but also as a fashionable element of your image.

Bags. A woman's handbag is that wardrobe item that characterizes its owner. Every woman will agree with me, you can never have too many bags! Elegant small - for a date, high-quality and stylish - for work, practical and roomy - for a walk, a comfortable leather backpack - for trips and travel.

Bright colors and interesting styles of bags with decor and other noticeable details can become the main accent of the image, so when composing your outfit, pay special attention to the choice of bag.

Summer is coming soon - a time for relaxation and vacations, as well as a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate yourself in all your glory. True, not everyone has enough money to update their wardrobe, but there is a way out, because a woman should always be beautiful, regardless of currency fluctuations. Firstly, most women have things that can form the basis of a basic wardrobe, especially summer, because such things, as a rule, are cheaper than things for other seasons, and secondly, those who know how to sew can build something themselves something interesting. And, thirdly, you can add some tricks to your everyday wardrobe that will draw attention to yourself and it won’t be noticeable that you’ve been wearing the same blouse for the third day in a row. Below we will look at trends that will allow you to diversify your wardrobe and will be in trend this coming summer.

I would like to start with such a common thing, which, of course, every woman has, this is a bag. But it’s not just a bag, but a clutch that will have an effect on others; there is a wide choice of them now. The most expensive clutch does not always look great. The main thing is that it has something that distinguishes it from others - design, color, fashionable print, unusual pattern. By the way, backpacks will also be in fashion this summer, so it’s worth picking up this, of course, healthy item that will relieve the burden on your hands.

Many women dream of wearing a hat in the summer, but many do not dare to do so, believing that it will look ridiculous in the city. Not at all, the hat will not only fit perfectly into any ensemble, but will also decorate it if it is selected taking into account the anatomical features of its owner. A hat can add irresistibility to any look, even if you are wearing faded jeans or a blouse that has long gone out of fashion.

When you want to cover your throat or, on the contrary, draw attention to your neck, you can safely use a scarf. There can be a lot of scarves in the wardrobe so that you can change them every day. If you don’t have such variety, then there is another way to diversify your wardrobe with scarves - simply tie them in different ways, and these do not necessarily have to be sea knots. And it is not at all necessary that the color of the scarf matches the color scheme of other items of clothing.

A fairly affordable and obvious option to add some zest to your style is to decorate it with a chain; this can be the most unremarkable model, which, nevertheless, will add freshness and attractiveness to the overall image. This will happen even if you are wearing an ordinary tracksuit; the chain will give you femininity and style. Another piece of jewelry is also suitable, for example, an original brooch, which will take you out of the crowd of ordinary people by breaking all the canons of fashion.

Another way to change, more suitable for advanced fashionistas, is knee socks. Many have forgotten about them since school days, but they will perfectly complement any outfit, even with a skirt, even with trousers, and even with a dress they will look original. The main thing is not to miss the color.

Have absolutely nothing to wear, although your closet is bursting with an abundance of blouses, blouses and dresses? The problem is that you don’t have a base on which a stylish look will be strung like beads.

Simple, at first glance, things can turn an incompatible variety of clothes into harmonious sets. So, what is a basic wardrobe and how to create it?

What should be in your wardrobe?

The basic rule for creating a basic wardrobe is to choose clothes depending on your field of activity and interests. If you are an office worker, then the base should be strict things of a neutral appearance.

However, such things are not at all useful to a young mother who travels around the city with a stroller all day long, so the base should first of all be convenient for her.

Having decided on your needs, you can find a middle ground that will combine everyday and weekend outfits and its style.

The percentage of basic and ordinary items in your closet should be 30/70. The following items should receive permanent registration in the wardrobe:

  • plain T-shirts with short sleeves (colors: gray, white, black);
  • dark blue straight jeans without decoration;
  • sheath dress in your favorite shade (it doesn’t have to be black, the choice depends on personal preferences and color type);
  • classic pants;
  • light blouse;
  • a turtleneck or sweater with a high collar will keep you warm in bad weather;
  • jumper or cardigan with a check neckline (neutral color);
  • light jumper of any cut;
  • plain classic trench coat;
  • dark blazer;
  • wool coat.

We recommend choosing items made from natural materials of high quality, because once they settle on your shelf, they will serve you for many years. It is better to choose a cut that suits your figure, without draperies or decorative inserts. Then the same thing will look new every time, if the set uses different accessories and more characteristic things.

calm colors are used

A woman's wardrobe should not be flashy. Even outrageous show business stars make up a base of simple things in neutral shades. A black and white palette, deep blue, dark green, beige, gray and other calm colors are used. Gray is most often chosen in melange colors, as monolithic gray may seem boring.

Getting your basic wardrobe right

Many girls wonder how to dress stylishly without spending too much money. Answer: do not rely on the number of wardrobe items, but on their quality. A well-chosen item that flatters your figure and hides imperfections is an ideal investment.

Before updating your wardrobe, you should think in advance about what basic things it is missing. And if there are none at all, then you need to start with underwear.

Basic T-shirts with thin straps will help to succinctly style a too revealing neckline or hide all that is unnecessary if the blouse is too much. If you like to wear tunics or dresses that are too short, then black leggings are another possible item.

This is followed by T-shirts with different sleeve lengths, blouses and shirts. If your style is more youthful, then choose plain long-length ones. If you adhere to the dress code at work, then buy several fitted shirts in light shades (white, blue, pink).

Sweaters, cardigans or jackets should be worn over T-shirts and shirts. It is worth purchasing at least one item from the list above. The jacket should not be too shiny or pretentious. Recommended color is black. It goes with everything and allows you to play with a variety of outfits, so you will always have something on hand for going to work, shopping and to a party.

The collection of clothing for the lower part of the wardrobe is made up of a feminine pencil skirt, well-fitting trousers and the right fit. If your style involves a little casualness, then traditional skinny jeans can be replaced with a boyfriend model; they also go well with many wardrobe items. When choosing jeans, do not blindly follow trends, but give preference to the cut that complements your figure.

Also, don't forget about dresses. Even if you don’t wear them at all, you should introduce one straight-cut model into your wardrobe. A versatile dress will help you out in any situation and make you more feminine.

Outerwear for the base should be well tailored. A coat, raincoat and jacket should be chosen in dark colors or beige.

How to combine basic things

To learn how to look stylish, you need to try different combinations of basic items with other wardrobe items. The simplicity of universal items should be complemented with bolder details: a voluminous scarf, jewelry, unusual shoes and bag, sunglasses.

You can complete a basic item with any clothing, that’s why it’s a base. Depending on her mood, a complete image is formed. For example, when you combine a fitted skirt with classic items, you get an office option, but if you add a white T-shirt with a youth print, the image transforms into a fun casual one.

Basic accessories

Accessories are also basic. They fit any set and are not decorative.

Read about how to properly complement your look with jewelry and accessories.

One of these accessories is a small handbag of a laconic shape, without flashy fittings. Its size should be such that it does not get in the way in your hands, but contains everything you need. Here you should focus on your own needs.

Basic shoes

Beige pumps are considered a shoe must-have, without which a shoe shelf would not be complete. This model of shoes visually lengthens the length of your legs and allows you to look elegant in any outfit. They should be made of suede or matte leather, there should be no shine, otherwise all versatility is lost.

Ballet shoes - another one lifesaver, which will save you if you don’t know what shoes to add to your set. Basic ballet shoes have a thin flat sole, are devoid of decoration and are painted in a soothing color.

For the cold season you need to stock up on boots. They must be comfortable and made from natural materials. It is optimal if these are black boots with stable heels. The top of the boots should not be too tight around the calf, then you can tuck your skinnies into them without squeezing your legs.

Basic things - investments

Finally, we’ll tell you what things will make a fashionable wardrobe not only universal at the moment, but also long-lasting for many years. According to fashion experts, the list includes 25 wardrobe items:

  • camel cashmere coat;
  • khaki trench coat;
  • cashmere jumper in universal color;
  • standard short-sleeve T-shirt;
  • Alcoholic T-shirt;
  • white shirt of a men's cut;
  • vest;
  • almost black jeans;
  • pantsuit;
  • sheath dress;
  • a fitted skirt of a reasonable length;
  • Evening Dress;
  • black stilettos;
  • laconic sandals;
  • beige ballet shoes;
  • comfortable moccasins;
  • matte leather clutch with strap;
  • a bag the size of a book, on a chain;
  • large bag with 2 handles;
  • aviator glasses;
  • bright colored silk scarf, size 70x70;
  • pashmina;
  • pearl necklace;
  • watches in masculine design;
  • belt

How to diversify your wardrobe? Before you buy a new one, it is important to deal with the old one. Every new season, the current wardrobe requires revision and rethinking. So let's get started!

7 surefire ways that will help you take a fresh look at your style and find fresh combinations for familiar things.

Get rid of things you haven't worn for more than two years

If you have not thought about a sweater or trousers for several current seasons in a row, it is unlikely that this item will be useful to you in the near future. Most of all, this rule applies to practical things for every day.

Let the exception be vintage clothes dear to your heart or valuable purchases for special occasions, it is better to get rid of everything else. By doing this, you will free up space not only in your closet, but also in your head.

Besides, there are always people who need these things more than you. Organizing a sale among friends, displaying clothes on a website, or simply taking bags to a charity store is a beneficial act for both karma and mood.

Give up black for a while

If you love black and gray more than other colors, this applies to you. You don't have to completely eliminate basic colors from your wardrobe, just try to take a break from them. A week or even 5 days is enough for the desired effect.

If it becomes difficult, and you feel that you can’t do without the “chernushka”, dilute the set with fresh bright colors. Make it at least not so typical.

Make a wishlist

You probably have pages that you follow on Instagram or just on the Internet. Take screenshots of the most necessary things or write down a list of desired purchases for the season. This will make the task much easier on the eve of the long-awaited shopping.

Be inspired by street style heroes and celebrities whose looks you find successful and interesting. Look for and repeat stylish ideas. It develops your taste and broadens your fashion horizons!

Add a few items in trendy colors to your basic wardrobe

A basic wardrobe serves us well every day. Don't let it become boring. If you have already decided on the style of practical things, experiment with color.

A list of the most current shades of the season will help with this. Let, for example, the new blouse be not white or beige, but mustard. Or another fashionable color that suits you.

Suits and coats in spectacular muted shades will also come in handy. Over time, you will find that wearing them is just as easy, and your looks have become much more noticeable.

Work with accessories

Focus on accessories. A bright scarf, bag, headdress or gloves can also diversify the usual set. Many of these things are not the most expensive and may well become an impulse purchase.

Invite a friend to visit or take the advice of your eldest daughter. Ask one of them to put together some stylish outfits for you. You will be surprised, but what they offer will probably be different from your style of mixing the same things.

Be attentive to the emotions you experience in new images. Analyze what you like and what you would like to add or change.

Play the same set differently

Choose the most familiar pair: jeans and a shirt, dress pants and a sweater, a pencil skirt and a blouse. Try making this duo versatile with accessories and other pieces. Transform it from daytime to evening, from smart to everyday, from casual to elegant.

The experiment can turn out to be very useful and interesting.

Do you have any ideas on how to diversify your wardrobe?

Which of the proposed methods will you put into practice?

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