Development of memory and attention. Exercises for memory development in adults How to train memory and attention

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Our brain is lazy and clumsy. If you load him with the same type and familiar tasks, he quickly becomes “dumb” and loses the ability to act quickly. The gears in your head begin to turn more slowly and squeak.

website I found 15 sites with many different brain trainers. With the help of tasks, exercises and games, we will train our memory today, and our logic tomorrow. And we will get a beautiful and fit mind.

Vikium suggests first taking a test and determining the quality of your memory, thinking, and attention. Based on these results, you receive a training program. Again, there is a paid tier that promises more features.

This site greets us with the phrase: “There are no people with bad memory. There are people who do not know how to use it.” By performing simple exercises, you can develop memory, gain skills in memorizing numbers, words and texts, develop attention and imaginative thinking. The site also has short articles with useful tips.

On the site you can test your memory and undergo online training of attention, concentration, reaction and other brain functions using programs and games. There is a detailed theoretical part that talks about what the brain is and how to keep it in good condition.

There is only one brain simulator on this site - the N-back problem. This is an exercise that improves operational (“working”) memory, improves mobile intelligence, and optimizes the speed of thinking. The essence of the game: the user sees squares in the cells of the matrix and hears letters. In this case, it is necessary to determine and indicate whether the presented image was encountered n-positions (1, 2, 3...) ago.

The games posted on this site are designed to train memory, speed, flexibility of thinking, and computing skills. Before you start training, you will need to determine those mental capabilities that you want to develop first. This will determine the choice of exercises for training.

Another site with logic games, puzzles, exercises for developing memory and puzzles for developing attentiveness. The motto is “Pump up your brain.”

On the website "Entertaining Pedagogy" there is an interesting test, by passing which you can determine the age of your brain.

This is a site about the capabilities of the human brain and the development of intelligence. Here they talk about how our head works, how everything works there, and give advice on how to speed up this work. For example, there is an article “How to improve short-term memory”, logic problems and much more.

Online game for developing counting speed. There are several modes: training, where time is not calculated; marathon - you need to answer 20 questions as quickly as possible; error-free, where the game lasts as much as two minutes, but not a single mistake can be made, and others.

Problems with memory and attention are relevant both for children and adolescents, and for adults. Most often, they are caused by lack of exercise, so regular exercise will significantly improve your concentration and memory ability. From the article you will learn about the most effective methods for developing memory and attention at any age.

How can adults improve?

Memory and attention training can be different - often the same exercises help improve both concentration and memory - these two brain functions are inextricably linked.

In adulthood, memory and attention inevitably weaken, but science knows methods of memorization and concentration techniques that will lead to noticeable improvements.

If you want to develop these qualities, the following methods can help you.

  • Learning foreign languages: They are now needed for work and travel, and they also allow for excellent development of memorization abilities - choose the language that you need or is interested in. It is important to practice every day, otherwise there will be no benefit to your memory. Make it a rule to learn 5-10 new words a day. Work with them, use them in simple sentences, learn new ones and gradually increase your vocabulary: pay attention to pronunciation and spelling.
  • The Pythagorean exercise is considered effective for developing memory and attention for adults. Every evening you should remember in as much detail as possible everything that happened to you over the past day: it is strongly recommended to write it down - keep a kind of diary. It is very important, when making such notes, to remember everything sequentially and not jump from one event to another. Get into the habit of rereading what you write in the morning - this way you will be able to remember more information at once. Over time, begin to re-read not only the entries about yesterday, but also, for example, entries for the whole week.
  • Memorizing poems by heart can also be very useful for memory and attention. There are different poems, and you can choose the ones that suit you - it is important that the task causes difficulties, but is feasible. If your memory is really bad, take a short simple poem. If a few stanzas are easy for you, you can take on part of the poem. In such classes, it is extremely important that the poems are not forgotten immediately after the lesson: try to remember them during the day, repeat them after a few days or a week.
  • If you love to read, but find that you have trouble remembering content, you can improve your memory by retelling what you read. Try to read a few pages, and then reproduce the content of what was written in as much detail as possible. Over time, increase the number of pages for retelling, but do not reduce the volume of your story - it should be as detailed as possible. Try to retell the content of what you read immediately after reading, after a few days, after a week.
  • Try board or online games to develop concentration and memory. Now there are all kinds of tables, crosswords, computer games aimed specifically at attention and memory. This way you can have fun and exercise. The advantage of games is that you don’t have to set aside a separate time for them in the middle of the day: you can practice on your phone or with a piece of paper while riding public transport or standing in line.
  • Mnemonics can help develop memory and attention is a set of simple techniques that make it easier to remember large amounts of information. These techniques are mostly based on convenient structuring of knowledge or on the search for successful associations. For numerical information, the method of associations is usually used: for example, you can associate numbers with the birth dates of your friends, telephone numbers known to you, the number of rooms or floors in your house. If you need to remember non-numeric information, the categorization method can be used for this.

Unsystematic facts are difficult to grasp, so you need to divide them into interconnected groups and blocks.

Exercises for children

It is also very important for children of preschool and school age to develop both attention and memory - these qualities are necessary for them to study successfully. There are all kinds of programs to reduce attention deficit – including gaming techniques. It is very important to be able to interest your child in activities and regularly devote time to training to improve cognitive abilities. All methods are effective only if you manage to practice at least a little, but every day. Problems with attention and memory in children can be solved in the following ways.

  • Read fairy tales to children and discuss them later together. Motivate your child to remember the content of the fairy tale, details and details as much as possible. Ask leading questions that will help you reproduce what you read in more detail. You can draw up a thesis plan according to which the child will have to retell the fairy tale. Be careful not to forget the content too quickly by asking your child to answer questions about the content a few days or a week after reading it. Increase the number of pages over time.
  • Try asking your child questions before reading the text - This exercise is especially effective for concentrating. If a child is focused on finding answers to specific questions, he will listen more carefully and notice little things. Try to ensure that the questions do not concern the main storyline, but rather details that are secondary to the plot. This method will not only help turn reading into an interesting game, but will have a positive effect on the development of attention and will interest the child in literature.
  • Learn poems with your child– this is both useful for memory and attention. Children often confuse stanzas with each other because they coincide in rhythm: it is necessary to ensure that the child carefully delves into the content of the poem and does not miss anything important. You can take long poems and learn them in parts - for example, add one stanza every day. However, it is important to start each lesson by repeating the entire poem in order to train long-term memory.
  • Children can certainly enjoy all sorts of play techniques. Use cartoons or toys to develop their attention and memory. Encourage them to remember the plots of their favorite cartoons and programs in great detail - let them remember how the characters are dressed and what they say. You can place toys on the table and ask them to remember their position relative to each other in a few seconds, and then turn away and retell it.
  • Keeping a diary for children can also be interesting.. Try to implement the Pythagorean exercise with them.
  • Computer educational games or smartphone applications will also be useful and can interest children.

There are many multimedia games aimed at improving attention and memory for children at any age - from simple to quite complex games.

How to train memory for older people?

In old age, memory inevitably fails, and concentration becomes worse. To combat these processes, training is simply necessary. Attention and memory can be trained Using simple techniques and tasks, they will help strengthen your memory and increase concentration.

  • Try to quickly glance around the room in a few seconds, and then go out and write down in as much detail as possible what objects are in the room and how they are located relative to each other. This game will help you learn to remember better - over time you will be able to list items in more and more detail. To make it more challenging, ask family members to intentionally arrange familiar household items in a different order. Give yourself such memory tasks every day.
  • Memorize famous personalities and interesting historical facts with dates. Read them several times, make yourself cards with names and dates, try to match them. When the first successes appear, make the classes more difficult and take more names and dates. This game will not only train your memory, but will also help improve your erudition. You can take names and facts from the general knowledge category or from specific areas that interest you.
  • Memorize new routes while walking around the city. Try to remember in as much detail as possible the number of houses, their color, location, the presence of shops, traffic lights and intersections. Very often, older people are poorly oriented in the area - this is one of the consequences of deteriorating memory and attention. This problem can be solved with regular training: if you consciously try to remember the roads and streets, over time it will begin to come easy.
  • Develop fine motor skills– it is very important for brain function and for the development of attention and memory. Knitting, modeling and other handicrafts are not only exciting, but also useful.
  • Try to master new things for yourself. Learn to use a computer if you are not good at it, start reading scientific literature in an area unknown to you, or find a new hobby.

It is new things that stimulate the development of new neural connections that prevent the brain from aging. And to master a new task, memory and attention will be useful - so you will inevitably train.

Useful gymnastics

Not only mental exercises are useful for memory and attention. Fine motor skills are directly related to brain function - by improving them, you can develop cognitive abilities. And any physical exercise can also affect the brain. Try the following techniques.


Finger gymnastics will always be useful for the development of fine motor skills. It's no secret that finger movements are related to the functioning of our brain, and the more skillfully we can perform small, precise movements with our fingers, the better our brain feels. To stimulate memory improvement, you can make animal figures from your fingers, try to straighten or bend them, resisting with your second hand, try to bend one finger, leaving the rest in a static position.

It is unlikely that the development of fine motor skills alone will be enough to seriously improve memory, but in parallel with other activities it will be of great help.

Kinesiological exercises

These exercises involve all muscle groups - during physical activity, our body sends certain signals to the brain that can stimulate mental activity. Such exercises come in different forms and are suitable for people of any age.

The simplest thing is stretching, try to exercise every day, trying to stretch your muscles, but do not overdo it - it is better to do this after regular exercise and do not bring yourself to severe pain. Another simple kinesiology exercise is to stretch out in a standing position and tense all your muscles, and then completely relax. This needs to be done in several approaches. Finally, breathing exercises can also help - for example, breathing alternately through different nostrils, closing the other with your fingers.


These are exercises for brain development that are performed with just fingers - they are aimed at coordinating the two hemispheres. Their essence is that to perform different movements with the fingers on the right and left hands. The simplest fingering is to connect the little finger with the thumb on one hand, and the thumb with the index finger on the other. After this, you need to change fingers sequentially - on one hand moving from the little finger to the index finger, on the other - vice versa. It is better to perform the exercises regularly; speed and accuracy are important in them - at first it is better to perform them slowly but correctly, and increase the pace over time.

How to improve memory and attention in adults is a question that worries many. After all, the quality of our life often depends on how capable we are of learning and perceiving new information. There are many ways to develop mental abilities, which will be discussed in this article.

Methods for developing memory at home

The answer to the question of how to improve brain function, and, consequently, memory at home, is especially relevant for students, people studying foreign languages, traffic rules, etc. Developing memory and attention requires constant mental training.

Reading is one of the best ways to improve your memory. This is due to the images that arise in the imagination in the process of becoming acquainted with a new literary work. Reading also improves your vocabulary and intelligence level.

Improving memory and, in general, brain function is not difficult. It is enough to solve puzzles, riddles, charades and crosswords every day. Logic games force the brain to work: remember moves, build strategies, try to predict the next events.

If you learn to remember all the products you need to buy in the store, rather than using a list, you can quickly.

When answering the question of how to develop memory and attention in an adult, it is important to understand that The memorization process is based on three main components:

  • emotions;
  • associations;
  • repetition.

To remember information for a long time, it is important to focus on it and imagine the memorized word, road sign, number, etc. in bright colors, and not just memorize it. It is easier for the brain to remember information if it evokes certain emotions in a person.

Ideas to speed up your brain

  1. From time to time you need to change something in your daily activities. You can visit new interesting places or choose a different route to work. Activities that a person has not previously engaged in will force the brain to develop and will contribute to the formation and strengthening of new neural connections.
  2. It is important to regularly do exercises that improve blood circulation in the brain. To do this, you need to warm your hands together, then rub your temples, forehead, and ears. Then, massage the entire head with light circular movements.
  3. Give your brain a break every day for at least 15 minutes. You should relax in a quiet place with dim lighting.
  4. Need to move more, preferably in the fresh air.
  5. If you need to remember any information, you should study it before bed. In a dream, the subconscious processes the received material better.
  6. Try not to use a calculator if you need to solve something. With regular mental calculations, your memory is trained more and more each time.
  7. Not worth it fill your mind with unnecessary information.
  8. Reading books, learning foreign languages, memorizing poems and conversations on various topics - this is what significantly helps improve memory and thinking.

Important! To better memorize a foreign word, you should translate it and come up with a vivid association for it.

Folk remedies to improve memory

Improvements in brain activity can be achieved not only through training. You can use folk remedies to lower intracranial pressure, get rid of tinnitus, and reduce migraine symptoms, thereby improving your memory.

For example, you can do clover tincture. To do this, fill a 1-liter container with the heads of this plant and fill it with vodka to the top. The tincture should be stored for 2 weeks in a cool place, protected from light.

You need to use 1 tbsp. spoon at night for three weeks.

Important! This method is contraindicated for expectant mothers and people with heart failure.

You can increase brain activity with tinctures from elecampane root. The crushed roots of the plant (1 tablespoon) must be poured into a container and added 2 glasses of vodka, then put in a dark place. After a month, the infusion is filtered.

You need to take the product three times a day before meals in an amount of 20 ml. Treatment should be carried out at least 30 days a year. Contraindicated for people with heart and kidney diseases, as well as during pregnancy.

Helps stimulate brain function red rowan bark. One tbsp. A spoonful of rowan is poured into a glass of hot water and boiled on the stove for 10 minutes. The decoction should steep for 5-6 hours, after which the mixture is filtered. 20 ml of decoction should be taken 3 times a day. The course should be 35 days, twice a year. You should not take the infusion if you have increased blood clotting or pregnancy.

Foods, diet for the brain and memory

Improving memory, thinking and attention depends on what we eat.

Products that have a positive effect on the functioning of the intellect:

  • fruits: red grapes; lemon; avocado; kiwi;
  • vegetables: garlic; beet; red cabbage and broccoli; eggplant; green pea; Red beans; spinach; carrot;
  • berries: cranberries, blueberries;
  • seaweed;
  • rosemary;
  • nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds;
  • fatty fish and seafood;
  • dried apricots;
  • sage.

Diets, according to scientists, do not have the best effect on brain function. Nutrition must be balanced so that the body receives the entire complex of vitamins and microelements. These are zinc, iodine, boron, calcium, magnesium, iron. However, you should not abuse fatty foods. Fats can absorb glucose and suppress mental activity.

Important! The human brain is 90% water, so dehydration does not have the best effect on its functioning. You should drink water half an hour before meals or 1.5 hours after. For 10 kg of weight, a person should drink at least one glass per day.

Conventionally, human memory can be divided into 2 types: short-term and long-term. The brain is designed in such a way that the information received first goes into short-term memory. If the material is not repeated, the information will disappear. The following tips will help answer the question of how to improve memory properties:

  1. When studying the material, you need try to understand into it, avoiding simple memorization. Meaningful information is perceived more easily.
  2. When studying any material, it is worth highlight the main idea and try to learn it first. All digressions, examples and remarks will be remembered later.
  3. When learning foreign words their order should be alternated, since memory tends to better remember information at the beginning and end of the text.
  4. Should alternate topics the material being studied.
  5. To develop long-term memory, it is effective to use association technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the memorized information is associated with certain events, songs, pictures, people, and so on. For example, the English word “look” can be associated with the Russian “bow”.
  6. Imagine in your mind what you are trying to remember.
  7. In order for information to be remembered easily, it is worth reinforce interest to the topic being studied by watching entertaining films or reading a fascinating article.
  8. One of the important components of successful brain function is healthy sleep.

In older people, due to age-related changes, attention and memory deteriorate. It is necessary to constantly maintain intelligence indicators at the proper level. The principles associated with how to train the memory of a mature person do not differ much from the standard methods listed in the article.

The main thing is to regularly perform exercises to develop memory, attention and thinking, and monitor your well-being (especially for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system).

Music for the brain

To improve memory and brain function in general, you can listen to music. It has been proven that classical and relaxing melodies contribute to the formation of a stable emotional background, while stimulating memory, thinking and attention.

In the mid-20th century, the effect of binaural beats was discovered in the world - an empty sound that our brain perceives as natural low-frequency beats. Listening to these sounds, both on their own and in the background with classical music, will allow you to better remember the information you are studying and solve various mental problems with great success.

TOP 10 drugs to improve memory and brain function

There are situations when it is necessary. In such cases, nootropics will help. Below we suggest considering these drugs designed to improve brain function and memory:

Enhances mental performance, normalizes sleep, and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. The drug should be used for at least a month.

It has a positive effect on cerebral circulation and normalizes the metabolism of the tissues of the thinking organ. Improves attention, memory, speed and accuracy of sensorimotor reactions.

Normalizes learning and memory processes in the central nervous system, improves tolerance of psycho-emotional stress.

It has a positive effect on metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain. As a result, it is easier for a person to remember and reproduce information.


Syrup, which contains amino acids that activate mental and physical performance.

  • IN 1- responsible for the ability to quickly assimilate new material;
  • AT 2- able to speed up mental processes;
  • AT 3- affects the speed of memory, concentration. Necessary for those who are concerned about how to develop mindfulness;
  • AT 5- responsible for long-term memories;
  • AT 6— accelerates thought processes and increases intelligence;
  • AT 9— responsible for the stability of memorization, increases performance;
  • AT 12- helps to recode information from long-term to long-term, during sleep.

A lack of B vitamins inhibits the synthesis of amino acids, which leads to memory impairment. In addition to group B, there are other vitamins that can stimulate brain function:

  • Vitamin C promotes better absorption of B-group nutrients and prevents mental overload.
  • Vitamin D– protects brain cells from premature aging.
  • Vitamin E– resists the harmful effects of toxins, helps to perceive new information more easily.
  • Vitamin P– improves concentration and attention.

It is worth taking a blood test to determine the composition of hormones and microelements in the body. If any substances are missing, the doctor will tell you how to replenish them.

Important! Vitamins that stimulate brain activity should be used in combination.

Dietary supplements for the brain


Contains plant components (ginkgo biloba, gogotu kola, bacopa), lecithin and omega-3.

Dietary supplements can normalize the nervous system, improve memory and attentiveness in adults.

These remedies are used by people who have suffered a stroke or other brain diseases.


Combines Ginkgo Biloba plant extract and vitamins B1, B2, B6. Together, these substances can improve cerebral circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve memory and attention.


It is represented by a wide range of dietary supplements and tablets containing a number of useful vitamins (groups C, D, E, P, B) and elements.

Thanks to the composition of dietary supplements, blood circulation in the brain improves, at the same time, memory and mental activity in general become more effective.


It has been producing its products using unique technologies since 1947. It is represented by a wide range of nutritional supplements, which include herbal ingredients, vitamins and microelements that help the brain work more efficiently.

How to easily improve your memory

To train your memory, you should write down events that happened, interesting details and thoughts. In other words, keep a diary. This will allow, after time, not to miss important moments during a certain period of life, analyze events and train your memory. After all, a detail noted in the diary. can lead to a whole chain of memories.

One technique for improving long-term memory is repetition of information. According to scientists, there are certain intervals during which it is necessary to learn the material. The information should be repeated:

  • after 15-20 minutes (first repetition);
  • then after 6 hours;
  • 24 hours;
  • 48 hours;
  • in 3 days;
  • 5 days;
  • 8 days.

By performing exercises to repeat the material at certain intervals, the information will be absorbed by the brain for a long time.

Exercises for training memory and attention in adults

The following techniques are intended for people who are interested in answering the question of how to improve brain activity:

  1. One of the most effective exercises that promote memory development in adults is memorizing objects. It is better to do it in pairs with a friend. He should place several items in front of you (it can be anything). They must be memorized within 30 seconds. Then you turn away and your partner removes one of the items. You need to determine what exactly is missing. To make the task more difficult, things can be swapped.
  2. You must write 12-15 numbered words(different in meaning and topic) and try to remember them within 45 seconds. After this time, you need to write the words, observing their sequence.
  3. Exercise "Stranger" will help improve memory in adults. In any public place (queue, transport, etc.), pay attention to a stranger, look at him for five seconds, then look away and try to remember the details of his appearance and clothing. If you can remember 10 elements of a person’s image, this will be considered a good result.
  4. Using the Aivazovsky method improves photographic memory and brain function. You need to study a picture for 5 minutes, carefully looking at the details. Then, you need to close your eyes and reproduce what you remember in your memory in the smallest detail. For best results, memorized objects can be transferred to paper.
  5. Make up stories. This exercise is necessary for memorizing any lists, numbers or names. Here you will need to use your imagination. It is necessary to come up with a simple plot, a fairy tale, where the necessary data will be present in a logical sequence. Vivid images and associations will help you remember the necessary information.


One of the techniques used to develop attention, memory and thinking is mnemonics (or mnemonics). Memorization in this technique occurs due to the orderly arrangement and linking of information to each other using associations.

For example, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a specific number. These numbers can then be used to make words, sentences, and even entire stories.

Numbers can also be associated with any other objects or phenomena. Memorizing information using mnemonics involves the use of consonant words, rhymes, and vivid associations.

Among the mnemonic techniques used to develop memory is the so-called “Roman room effect.” Objects that need to be remembered are mentally placed in a well-known room in certain places.

Speed ​​reading

The next technique used to improve memory is called speed reading. Having mastered this skill, you can assimilate information at least 3–4 times faster without deteriorating your understanding of the material. At the same time, all thought processes are significantly accelerated.

You can develop your speed reading abilities without leaving home. When developing the skills of this technique, it is important:

  • Avoid "regressions"- re-reading the text.
  • Train mindfulness. This will help highlight the main thing among what is written, without fixing your gaze on text with little significance. At the same time, “Viewing” develops without careful focusing.
  • Get rid of the habit of speaking text to yourself, perceiving the words in it according to a visual typographic image. If you train your brain to perceive words and phrases with pictures, you can significantly increase your reading speed, while stimulating mental activity.
  • It is necessary to master techniques that increase the field of vision. For example, the Schulte table is an exercise in memory and attentiveness. Its meaning is to find symbols (numbers, letters) located in a grid as quickly as possible. It is better to use peripheral vision, without moving your gaze and without speaking information to yourself.

Online brain trainers


If you are interested in the question of how to quickly develop memory, you should pay attention to online simulators. One of them is Vikium.

A person needs to register on the site, then the system will offer to complete a task to diagnose attention, memory and thinking.

Based on the test results, the simulator selects an individual training program for the brain. Tasks for the development of memory and thinking, concentration and focusing are graded from simple to more complex.

Using this simulator, you can choose exactly how you want to develop mental performance indicators.

For example, you can train stability, selectivity of attention, and the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another. When developing memory, the accuracy of memorization and the ability to remember information by ear will be taken into account.

The tasks can train observation skills, speed reading skills and quality of thinking.


The online simulator invites users to take a test that determines the level of development of thinking skills.

Based on its results, the system selects an individual program consisting of more than 100 simulators to develop attention, concentration and improve memory.

With regular exercise, results will appear within a few weeks.

Mobile applications that develop the brain

“How to develop memory and thinking without leaving the couch?” - a question that interests many. For this purpose, special applications for mobile devices have been invented.

A Russian application with 1001 tasks for mental arithmetic.

  • Download at
  • Download at

The program offers you to complete tasks, the essence of which boils down to the following. Circles with numbers appear on the screen in a random order; you need to remember the sequence of their appearance.

At the first levels this seems like a simple task, but later the number of pop-up objects increases and you need to really strain your mind to fix their sequence in memory. The program determines the age of the brain based on the results of completing tasks.

  • Download at
  • Download at

The app is in English but has clear illustrations. Here you can playfully work on developing attention, speed and flexibility in solving problems.

You can create an individual mental training program.

  • Download at
  • Download at

Da Vinci's Mysteries

Here are collected riddles on various topics. As you guess, more and more levels open up.

The application has a pleasant interface, the user seems to be immersed in the 15th century. If the tasks are too difficult, you can use hints.

With age, many begin to notice that it becomes much more difficult to remember basic things. Having a good memory is very important and necessary. After all, thanks to it you can get a promising job and more easily adapt to life in the environment.

Now we will try to figure out what exactly needs to be done to ensure that information is easier to remember and retained in the brain for as long as possible.

Human memory is the most important element in the human brain. To some extent, it is considered our consciousness. And it is necessary in order to survive in the world around us. Imagine if a person had no memory at all. In this case, he would be no different from a primitive creature, and everything that is around us would simply not exist. In order to keep your memory in good condition you need to:

  • eat healthy and balanced foods;
  • load your brain with a wide variety of information;
  • set a goal for yourself and strive to achieve it in every way.

It is very important that the goal you set is clear. Otherwise, the brain may begin to limit itself from unnecessary information.

Food provides energy for the brain, which is why a person must consume the required amount of vitamins and minerals. But it is also important to pay attention to the quality characteristics, and not to the availability of the product.

When you need to remember something quickly and briefly

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a person very quickly gets used to monotony, against the background of which memory begins to weaken. That is why it is very important to change familiar situations more often. For example, change your route to work, start visiting completely different stores, change your culinary habits. In this case, the brain will be forced to remember completely different street names, route bus numbers, and compare new facts.

The new dishes prepared will have a completely different taste, which will be reflected in the functioning of the brain. As an example, you can also try changing your hand for writing text. If you normally write with your right hand, try writing a few sentences with your left. This situation will be unusual for the brain, which will lead to interhemispheric exchange.

The only drawback of this method of memorization is that the brain gets used to it very quickly and needs to be trained regularly.

Fast and reliable memorization

The most effective method for quick and reliable memorization is learning a foreign language. Moreover, memorizing words should not be on a mechanical level, but have associated images. Thanks to this specificity, words will be recorded in your brain and stored there for a long time. It is advisable to study a foreign language until you can easily start watching foreign films in the original.

Tools for slow memorization forever

In order to remember information forever and slowly, you can engage in daily meditation. They will help maintain control over thoughts and, thereby, improve memory. Another good memorization method is drawing. This is what makes it possible to concentrate on details and train hand motor skills for memorization.

Herbal infusions

In order to improve your memory, it is not necessary to immediately resort to drug treatment. There are quite a few remedies in folk medicine that have both preventive and therapeutic effects.

Clover tincture

In order to prepare this infusion, you will need half a liter jar of clover heads. Add ½ liter of vodka to them, cover with a lid and hide in a dark place. Leave for two weeks, stirring it daily. After the designated time, pour the resulting liquid into a dark container. Take 1 tablespoon in the afternoon for three weeks. Then take the same break and repeat the procedure. The course of treatment should be 3 months.

Red rowan bark

Add a glass of boiling water to one tablespoon of bark and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Then pour everything into a thermos and leave to steep for 6 hours. You need to take it 3 times a day for one month. This course should be repeated twice a year, preferably not in the summer. The decoction will not only improve memory, but also saturate the body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system.

In her program, Elena Malysheva will talk about herbs and spices to improve memory.

Herbal collection

Before you start preparing the infusion, mix the dry herbs: raspberry leaves - 6 teaspoons, lingonberries - 6 teaspoons, oregano - 2 teaspoons and bergenia - 8 teaspoons. Then from the resulting mixture, take one tablespoon and fill the collection with ½ liters of boiled water. Keep on fire for 10 minutes, then cover the dish and leave for 2 hours. You need to drink this mixture twice a day for at least 3 weeks. The course is held 2 times a year.

Sage and mint

Take 2 teaspoons each of dry mint and sage. Place the herbs in a thermos and fill them with 500 ml of boiled water. Before you start drinking the infusion, you need to strain it. Take 50 grams four times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

"Grandma's" recipe

To prepare the infusion, you will need about five table pine needles, which will need to be chopped. Add onion peels and rose hips (two tablespoons each). Pour the resulting mixture with a liter of cold water and boil for about 10 minutes. Leave the infusion overnight in a warm place. The course lasts two weeks. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times every day.

Memory Improvement Products

In order to maintain memory, your diet must be balanced. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help you improve your memory and stimulate your brain. It is especially worth paying attention to oranges and spinach. Other products include:

  • blueberries – they contain large quantities of antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on the human brain. Recently, studies were conducted that found that blueberries can improve short-term memory;
  • carrots – contain carotene. It should be consumed stewed or fresh. In order for carotene to be absorbed, season the carrots with oil or sour cream;
  • eggs – they contain lecithin, which helps maintain the health of brain cells;
  • wheat germ – they contain a large amount of vitamin E. It is especially useful to take wheat germ for those who have memory problems associated with age;
  • fish – here you should pay attention to fatty varieties;
  • nuts;
  • dark chocolate.


In most cases, experts are inclined to believe that it is possible to take drugs that improve memory in old age. But on the other hand, there are cases when their use may become necessary for young people. For example, to students during a session. In the modern world, many people face the problem of memory loss.

The reason may be environmental problems, poor nutrition, and lack of desire to train your brain. In this regard, irritability may begin to appear, a person becomes dissatisfied with himself and the world around him, and it is very difficult for him to remember the necessary information at a crucial moment. When a person notices that his memory fails him at crucial moments, he begins to think about eliminating this trouble.

Among medications, it is worth highlighting nootropics. They help stimulate brain function. These include Nootropil, Piracetam, Izacetam, Oxiracetam and others. Please note that after taking one tablet you will not see any noticeable improvements. For a positive result, you need to take the drug for about a month. After the course, information is perceived much easier and remembered faster.

How to improve a child's memory

In childhood, it is very important to give the brain active training. It just so happens that modern children devote too little time to active games, thereby giving preference to computers and televisions.

In order for movement to take place in children’s lives, teach them to do morning exercises from an early age. In addition, children should be sent to all kinds of classes: dancing, wrestling, football, skating, and so on.

Try to diversify your child's hobbies. You can select multiple circles. If this is not possible, observe the baby’s interests and give him the opportunity to experiment with his activities.

Monitor your child's nutrition. Don't forget about foods that contain vitamins and minerals.

Accustom your child to mental games, for example, “to the cities,” “words with one letter,” “associations.” Learn rhymes and tongue twisters with him.

Exercises to improve memory in children can be seen in this video.

How to improve memory in older people

Older people experience memory deterioration with age. In order for your memory not to fail you for as long as possible, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Make your brain work. Logic puzzles and crossword puzzles are good for this; you can study a foreign language;
  2. Try to take mental breaks once an hour. You can walk a little or do a little gymnastics;
  3. Try not to succumb to stress and depression;
  4. Plan your affairs by writing them down in a diary, and also record important dates;
  5. Try to read more books;
  6. Pay attention to small details;
  7. Learn poetry by heart;
  8. Do what you love, learn some new activities.

As we can see, if you adhere to the basic rules, then an excellent memory will serve you for many years. But, if you notice even the slightest deterioration, start immediately taking the necessary measures.

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    Improve an adult's memory with exercise? Seriously!? I always have a lot of information in my head, at work, at home... I also don’t want to overload my brain with exercises.


    Yes, there is no way to improve it at home... I tried it myself, but there was little effect. So I went to the doctor. He prescribed me ginkum, fish oil and vitamin D. Gradually I began to notice that my forgetfulness had receded. And before this, ant herbs didn’t help me much. They may be of some use, but definitely not for a long time.


    Memory needs to be trained all the time. I don’t study poetry, but I regularly write reviews of books I read and participate in discussions. This helped a lot. But over the past year I’ve somehow fallen off track. Very busy work and a fast pace of life do not allow you to fully restore your strength. I became very absent-minded, which is fatal in my work. On recommendation, I took mildronate, it has already been mentioned below. Sold without a prescription in bright pink packaging. After the full course I am full of energy again. And now I have time to cope with work, and I haven’t given up my hobby. Including from running in the morning, which I didn’t have the strength to do.


    Nice article, thanks! I’m looking for information for my wife, I’ll send her a link, otherwise she doesn’t want to hear anything from me). I’ll add it to my bookmarks too) I also came across an article on the topic, with the permission of the moderator I’m posting the link Maybe someone will find it useful


    I agree with Lina, chronic fatigue bothers me and prevents me from living a normal life. Rest and sleep are not at all an option to escape from it. But mildronate helped. I took the course for two weeks. Within ten days it became easier to concentrate on the tasks at hand, and work more energetically, and in general my physical condition also improved. Even the treadmill is a joy again and has returned to its speed.


    Memory cannot be improved quickly, it can be trained if it is not some serious illness. After all, absent-mindedness and loss of concentration, and therefore memory, can simply be due to overload at work and outside of it.

Everyone experiences forgetfulness, especially if they have a busy work schedule. It’s natural not to remember some information, but when this interferes with goals and solving important problems, you need to correct the situation.

The ability to change the situation is in our hands - modern research proves that a healthy lifestyle, exercise and healthy eating help improve memory. Here are 14 ways and tips on how to do it.

1. Eat less sugar

The habit of adding a lot of sugar to food leads to a deterioration in health, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems, and the appearance of chronic diseases. Against this background, memory deteriorates and mental activity weakens. Research shows that too much sugar leads to a decrease in brain volume, especially in the area responsible for short-term memory.

You don't have to give up sugar completely. Reduce its share in your diet, and you will see how memory is strengthened, attention is sharpened and health improves.

2. Enrich your diet with fish oil

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahesaenoic acid (DHA). They are essential for maintaining tone, reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing inflammation, relieving anxiety and preventing mental disorders, which is important for the brain. Research shows that consuming fish oil improves memory in older adults:

The study by Malaysian scientists involved 36 people with moderate cognitive impairment. They noted that after taking concentrated fish oil supplements for 12 months, their short-term memory improved.

A US review of 28 studies found that adults with symptoms of memory loss had stronger episodic memory after taking fish oil or similar DHA and EPA supplements.

3. Learn to meditate

Meditation practices have a positive effect on physical and mental health. They relax, calm, reduce stress and pain, and stabilize blood pressure. Against the background of these positive effects, memory becomes stronger.

One study found that meditation increases the volume of gray matter (it shrinks due to overwork, stress, and age).

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Healthy body weight is an important condition for the effective functioning of organs, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Good blood supply and productive production of various hormones maintain reaction, the ability to concentrate, switch between tasks and remember information.

The fact that excess weight causes a decline in cognitive function is proven by research by scientists from different countries. Moreover, it can make changes to genes, that is, create a hereditary factor for weak memory. Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, a progressive disease that destroys memory and brain function.

5. Get enough sleep

Constant lack of sleep disrupts brain activity and has a cumulative effect. Sleep is an important part of the natural cycle of the mind. At this time, he processes the received information, transforms it from short-term to long-term. If you sleep poorly or little, your brain remembers worse and worse.

6. Develop mindfulness

Mindfulness is a mental state in which you focus on your current situation while remaining aware of your feelings and what is happening around you. It is used in meditation, but it is not the same thing. Meditation is a formal practice, and mindfulness is a mental habit that can be applied in any situation.

One study of 293 psychology students found that those who received mindfulness training had improved performance in recognizing objects in memory compared to those who did not receive such training.

7. Drink less alcohol

Frequent consumption of alcohol “shatters” the entire body. Any level of alcohol in the blood disrupts brain function and leads to memory loss. After a noisy meeting with friends, some don’t remember anything in the morning.

Alcohol has a neurotoxic effect on the brain, which means it actually poisons it. And if a person has a hangover, it harms the hippocampus, one of the parts of the brain responsible for good memorization.

8. Train your brain

Train and develop cognitive abilities through games. This is an interesting and enjoyable approach to making your mind more efficient. A 2017 University of Cambridge study showed that using training apps improved test subjects' performance on memory tests.

Nowadays, the most convenient way to train is mobile applications or online services.
